Improv for Scientists

"Enhancing Communication in Science through Improv"

Tailored for scientists of all levels, this 60-minute interactive workshop focuses on integrating key improv techniques, such as the "yes, and" principle, into the realm of scientific communication. Techniques from improvisational theater can foster collaborative idea development and creativity, which are essential components in scientific teamwork. Participants will actively engage in exercises that not only teach but also demonstrate the transformative power of improv in real-time.

Ben's unique approach combines experiential learning with collaborative reflection, highlighting how adaptability, empathy, and active listening, fundamental aspects of improv, can be applied effectively in teaching and learning. Scientists attending the workshop will learn to create an inclusive and stimulating collaborative environment, encouraging  intellectual and interpersonal risk-taking.

With his extensive background in teaching improv to health professionals and scientists, coupled with his work in storytelling and  stand-up comedy, Ben brings a unique blend of expertise to the workshop. His personal and professional experiences with improv offer insightful perspectives on its impact beyond the stage, particularly in enhancing communication, empathy, and active listening in science.

So where the hell is the presentation for this? Well, it’s a “you had to be there” kind of thing. Each workshop is unique and any presentation of activities could lose the improvised spirit, so you’ll just have to experience it.


Strategic Science Communication


Muscle Health Biomarkers